Sunday, April 20, 2008

Evils of Contention!

Dear children, if we are going to quote scriptures to each other, I would just ask for your attention to be turned to D&C 136:23, which reads "Cease to contend one with another..." I'm certainly grateful that you each have enough self-esteem that you are confident enough to be different and feel free to share your opinions. I really do enjoy reading your thoughts.

Heather and Heidi: I won't be coming to the valley this weekend, your father and the boys changed their packtrip to the 7th-10th of May. I was wondering if that would be a good time to come? Hil will be home and maybe she can come for a day or two. We could celebrate Heather's birthday a week early. Let me know what you think. All of you be good!!!!! love ya lots.


Heidi said...

Mom, that is a great time for me. I think that would be fun. We could have a nice Mother's Day celebration if you will be here Sunday. That would be nice. Heather? thoughts?

Heather said...

That actually works a little better for me. I have an enrichment thing Friday night, but otherwise I am free. We can do something for Mother's Day and just play!