Thursday, May 1, 2008

The end is in SIGHT!

So, I am almost officially done with my first year of college! Doesn't that make all of you feel extremely old?? =) Ha just kidding. I am just waiting to walk up to campus ( uphill in the snow, I might add) to take my last final. Yesterday I had two killers right in a row, Chemistry and then Nutrition. I did well on the Nutrition one, but chem was pretty bad. It was 15 pages of hell! I thought my little brain was going to explode from all of the stress I have been putting it through. Luckily for me, it held strong. Now all I have is my math final which could be interesting. I have already had this level of math, but for the life of me I can't seem to remember anything that good ol' Mr. Fritz taught me except for maybe the 2 prong fork lesson, and a few others. Isn't that so sad? So wish me luck, even though by the time that you all read this my final will probably be over and done with, and I will already be joyously celebrating my release from academic responsibility (even if it's only for 3 months) . I hope you are all doing well, and that you all miss me terribly......Toodles for now!


mom said...

Hope all went well with the last final. I'm sure you did great. Just think, you are no longer a lowly little college freshman, and your brother is a college graduate. Three college graduates so far--I'm so proud! love ya all

Cin said...

Hil bug...way to go! We're proud of you and it was fun getting to see you on Friday..hope the drive home was safe nad short (hee hee). Your "stuff" is safely tucked away until fall and oh, by the way, your "friend" is cute! Love ya, Aunt Cin

Hi Lary said...

Thanks again for coming and getting that stuff for me. You guys sure are handy to have around! And Aunt Cindy you are very sly. I should have known my mother would tell you about him. You played it very cool....but yes, I would have to agree that he is cute, but it always helps to get other peoples approval! =) Thanks again for everything! Love ya!