Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Oh I just LOVE school!

Well I haven't posted in awhile and decided that now is as good of a time as ever! A lot has happened lately! I moved into a BEAUTIFUL little apartment. I love it so very much! I feel a little spoiled to be living there actually, but then I remember all the food I served this summer, and I don't feel bad one little bit! I came back to work a couple weeks ago and was promoted a week after I got back! They put me on as an assistant manager of a new team in our department.....so I am still WAY down on the list of people who actually matter, but hey, I got a dollar raise! Yippee! It made my whole stinkin' day when they told me! I was starting to get stressed about money...well actually I am ALWAYS stressed about money.....but it made me relax a little bit. And last but not least on my list of changes in my life....I started school yesterday. It was kind of a long day. I have some good classes and some tough ones, but I am still feeling pretty ok about them. I am taking stats and O-chem....so that'll be interesting to see how that turns out.....oh and I am also taking KARATAY! (yes, I am aware that I spelled that wrong, however, once I attended the first class I realized that you can't just mumble out the word....you have to give it some spunk....plus you just sound cooler when you say it that way.) I know can you believe it!? I am the ONLY girl in the class....and while you think this may be a good thing for me....it's NOT! They are all goobers and hippy's. But my Sensai (aka Professor) promised me the "ability to dispose of any component that dared intrude on my space" ya that's a word for word quote there folks. So this should be interesting. I decided I will definitely be practicing my ninja techniques on my dear older bro. Watch out Justin here I come!
So that is about it for me. Kind of a long and boring post, but I just thought you would all like to know what your favorite little member of the family is up doing! Love you all!


Heather said...

That was not a boring post at all. The karate totally cracks me up, but good for you if you can take Justin down. Congrats on the promotion!

Heidi said...

are you sure he didn't say 'opponent' and not 'component'? Just wondering... Anyway, congrats. I am glad you posted. You'll have to teach me some of your moves...

mom said...

Hil, Dad and I got a kick out of your post. We are really glad you are taking karate and you can "get rid of any opponent who gets in your space" especially if you are surrounded by hppies and goobers!
luv ya - mom and dad

justin and sherrie said...

The day you take me down I will take you out to eat anywhere your little heart desires. That goes for all you girls, at the same time. The welcome mat has been set out. Give it a try anytime.

Jennifer and Jason said...

Where do I sign on for that challenge Justin. I will muck your plow buddy.

justin and sherrie said...

I think that the result of my summer employ on my physique has rendered me unstoppable. Conversely the same can be said for you, except completely opposite. Our address is 14 W 1285 S in Logan, I'll be here all night.

Brittany said...

Just wanted you all to know that I love the prase "muck your plow"
I think I will start using it regularly.

Jennifer and Jason said...

Easy there Mrs. Sheets, you might want to consult your attorney on copyright infringement laws, or I'll have to muck your plow, or at least get my wife to do it for me. And I think everyone knows to stay away from her when she's rattled.

Heather said...

Justin...."conversely the same can be said of you, except opposite" What the?!!!! (Those are just for good measure.)

justin and sherrie said...

"On the other hand." "Turned around." "Reversing a statement that has just been referred to." Tough to follow, I know. What I meant to say was on the other hand, or in your case, or turned around for your case your summer job has also made you strong and tough, except, now here's where it gets tricky, totally opposite." Now you'll tell me I used too many commas. I'm not surprised. Not everyone is smart enough to go to BYU. I would think that on a blog post or in satirical writing you could just let it go. Now I realize that you must "compel in all things." Next time I'll email you a rough draft before posting. !!!!! (No reason at all for those, I just thought I'd throw a few out there for the hell of it.)