Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Come on people

Ok, so this blog has been untouched for far too long. We all know I don't like blogging about my life because I really have nothing to share. I could talk about my classes, but that would mean I actually unstand what the crap my professors are talking about, and at this particular time that isn't exactly what's going on. Most of the lecture is spent with me writing notes as fast as my hand will move and thinking in my head "what the crap is this guy talking about". Good thing I have Justin here to help me. I was in the library the other day with my Biochem study group and I started to freak out a little. Now, let's first say that
1. study groups are good ideas for most people, but maybe not for me. I get so intimidated and I don't want to be the stupid person in the group so I usually just nod my head or stare at the problem trying to look like I'm thinking about it, when in reality I'm trying to figure out when I can go see Justin to have him help me.
2. the fact that it's the SECOND week of classes and I am already feeling overwhelmed about my classes is SO lame!
3. who the crap invented biochemisty. I guess I can see the point behind knowing how your body works, but doesn't the saying go "ignorance is bliss"? I decided that it's an unnecessary evil, and I would rather take O-chem any day....
Anyway, that's pretty much what is going on my life. So interesting I know. Oh I do have one class that is interesting. It's my life cycle nutrition class, and in it we have to be pregnant for a day, meaning we have to wear that hideous body suit that makes you look like your pregnent. So Justin if you see me on campus and I looked knocked up, don't freak out! We also get to pretend we are diabetic and will have to check our blood glucose and eat like a diabetic for a week or something like that. So soon I will be able to relate a little bit with Jacob. I can't wait. I am a little excited to be pregnant for a day. I can only imagine all the looks I will get. Maybe I can work it out so I'll have to wear the suit on a Sunday. Ha ha that would be pretty funny. Just kidding, I doubt I could get the suit on a weekend. Anyway I warned you all that if you didn't keep up on the posts you would all have to read mine! So, consider yourselves warned. On a happy note I am planning on going to Grandma and Grandpa's house next weekend. I am so excited. Going there is so great! I get good food and get to be spoiled and pampered by grandma and aunt's really great. Well family I don't really know what else to say. I have some great pictures from my BRAND NEW CAMERA that I could probably add with this post, but that would require more effort, and I just plain don't want to. But I love the camera and some day I will post all of the amazing pictures I have taken. I know, you can't wait.......Well I love you all and hope everyone is doing good!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I'm so glad you posted. This blog has been BORING. Please post pictures in your prego suit. I just can't imagine it. Good luck with all of your classes. Science (specifically chemistry) is the reason I majored in history. Love ya, sis!