Monday, July 14, 2008

Wedding Gambling

Due to our blog being extremely uneventful recently I decided to make things interesting. I preface my predictions by noting that because of my gender I might not have the expert insight on such matters as this, but I still have a pretty good idea. The only other Hall wedding I attended was my own, and I was pretty oblivious to the perfunctory wedding tasks, not to mention the groom's side is always less stressed than the bride's. So here's the gamble, I am setting the over/under for #of times a Hall female bursts into tears vs. #of times they thank me for trying to lighten the mood at -20/+20. For you non-gamblers out there, that means Vegas is saying that normally tears will be shed 40 more times than "thank yous" will be handed out for well-intentioned sarcasm. Send your checks to me and I'll let you all know how it turns out. 


Jennifer and Jason said...

If that includes not only Hall girls, but women related to the Halls, i.e. South women then I definately want in. Do you accept American Express?

Heidi said...

You two are weird...

Brittany said...

Will somebody post some wedding pics of Heather Feather, for their favorite neice and cousin-who unfortunately was not at the wedding to grace you with her presence? I am talking about myself..BRITTANY