Monday, March 31, 2008

Hey Family

So I made a poll so we could all vote on what we think Sherrie is going to have. It's at the top right, right below our family picture. It's kind of hard to read, but it asks "What's growin' in Sherrie's tummy" and the choices go boy for the first choice and girl for the second. So vote, cause it ends soon. I think it will be fun to see who's right! Hope everyone is doing good. I decided I hate Logan.....I woke up to SNOW THIS MORNING! Yes, snow in March.....don't you all feel so sorry for me! :) Well anyway, love you guys!


Hi everyone. The weather here has been so nice so we dicided to go out to the pool on Saturday. We stayed out there for like 2 hours and the boys loved it. There were some other little boys down there too that Tallin made friends with and had a blast. It was such a wonderful day. I was feeling so thankful for my little family and so happy. Just relaxed and content. It doesn't seem very often that we just get to hang out it was so much fun.
We are so excited to see Grandma and Grandpa this weekend the boys can't hardly wait. Last week Tallin kept saying "I am never going to see Grandma and Grandpa again" in his new little whiny voice with his arms crossed. And when we pulled up to church yesterday Colt was asking for Grandma and Grandpa. I think he got so used to seeing them at church he thinks every time we go there they should be there too. Anyways I guess I better get out of here.. Hope everyone is doing good we are doing great! I am so excited for Justin and Sherrie I can't hardly stand it. Jason won't let me buy anything for the baby yet, but as soon as we know what they are having he has no say :) love you all!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

My 'moment'

So I had an experience the other day that I wanted to share. Since I don't write in my journal very faithfully, I think this is the next best thing. Anyway, so at my clinicals the other day I got sent to an ICU floor. This is the first time that I have done any kind of critical care, and I was not quite sure what to expect. I was also very skeptical that I would like it at all. But I got assigned a patient to take care of and a nurse to work with, and it actually turned out to be one of my favorite rotations so far. The lady I got assigned to take care of was a quadriplegic who had been hit by a drunk driver. She was 52 years old and she was a beautiful woman w/ a beautiful family. Anyway, she had a great attitude and she was awesome. And then later I was on a run and I was thinking about her and how thankful I was to even be able to run, even if it is in the heat. I was thinking about how I have no right to complain about anything. I know that Mesa is ugly and hot, but the sunsets are gorgeous and the orange blossoms smell great right now. Anyway, I guess it was just such a great 'count your many blessings' moment and I just wanted you all to know that I am so thankful to be a part of this family. I love you all and I am grateful for everything you have taught me. So, enough of this sentimental stuff! Have a good day!

Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm a dummy

Dear children: I'm stupid, I made a post, but I did it as a comment to Justin's surprize. Go to his post and see the comment. i love you all and this is great!! MOM


We just got back from the Dr.'s office to see why Sherrie was so fat, and look what he found. By his estimations we are about 13 weeks along. That puts the due date October 7th, that's right, in the thick of deer season. I don't know what I was thinking, but I couldn't keep her off of me. We can't tell what it is for 7 more weeks! Imagine, the livestock industry is leaps and bounds ahead of the human health industry. Horses can be ultrasounded and sexed in a matter of days. Oh well, I guess we'll just wait. I don't know what else to say, other than I am pretty sure I saw a penis in the ultra-sound. I'm no Doctor, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn last night. No, seriously, it was there. So, we're excited, Sherrie thinks she's fat, and that's about all the new news in our lives right now. Over and out.

Colts Haircut

Hey everyone so I am at a friends house and she is letting me use her computer to post some pics of the boys so here is goes. Enjoy hahaha! love ya

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hello again

So, I have no life and am a huge procrastinator, so in order to escape the horrors of homework I made our page a nice little music playlist. I think I picked some winners but I could only think of a few songs. I did get some really awesome ones by the carpenters and other memorable artists ;). Anyway, if you would like to add some songs (and I think you all should), then you simply click on the music player and it will take you to the site. The login and password is the same as this one. ( password: 9283337283). Then you can search for the song or the artist you want. It's pretty easy, and it makes our page better. So go add some stellar tunes! Word? Ha ok, I am going to go study now! I love ya'll! :)

Hi Family

So I don't know who's idea it was to start this because it wasn't mine, but I do think this is a good idea. I don't have much to say. My spring break was good. Hilary came down and visited and Jacob had his spring break at the same time, so it was a lot of fun. The biggest thing I remember was that we all went to Nicole Stroud's yoga class and almost all melted. And we were super sore the next day. Anyway, other than that, there is not anything very exciting to report. School is hard, but only 7 more months!! YAY!!! but I have to pass first. Anyway, other than that i don't do much. Applebees is horrible but it pays the bills (at least most of them). Anyway, hope everyone posts. It is good to hear about how everyone is doing. Love ya all!

This is great!

Hey everyone I think this is wonderful idea. It will be so good to keep in touch and let you know what is going on with us. I don't have a lot of time right now because we don't have a computer of our own to use so I am at Direct Buy using theirs. When we get one I will post some pics.
We cut all of Colts hair off yesterday I wish I could show you some pics he looks sooooooooo cute and so much like Tallin it's crazy. He did so good too. Tallin was right by his side the whole time telling him "it's ok Colt I am right here if you need me" such a good big brother. Heather it was so good to see you and Sam this last weekend it was a great visit. Thank you for coming Tallins been talking about you and Sam since, he really likes Sam. Well I better get going. Talk to you all later. Hope everyone is doing great!!

Spring Break is Officially Over!

I guess I will follow Hilary's example and post about me. It's been a fun few months. I got to go to Hawaii last month! I'll post a few pictures of that maybe. It was super fun. Sam's company paid for several employees and their guests to go. We went to Maui and enjoyed some beautiful scenery, beaches, snorkeling, and whale watching (which was my favorite). Hilary came down to AZ a couple of weeks ago, and though I didn't get to see her much because I was working, it was still fun to be able to spend some time with her. I think she and Heidi had fun spending some of their Spring Break together out by the pool. My Spring Break was last week, and Sam and I took a little trip out to El Paso and visited Jas and Jen and the boys. It was fun to see them. We had some awesome Mexican food and colored Easter eggs and relaxed. Spring Break is definitely over, and it's been a long week at school. It's officially Friday Eve though, and I'm looking forward to the weekend. I love my students, but they have worn me out this week! Hope you are all doing well!

Hola Familia!

Hey way to go Heather and Heidi! I think this is a great idea myself! It really is quite difficult to stay in touch with everyone! I get sad when I don't know what's going on with my family! Plus it will be easier on Mom to just put it up on here!
But what's new with me? Well, I am moving home for the summer to work at Molly's! I am excited about it. I miss home, and I will be able to make and save more money at home than if I stayed in Logan! I miss Mom and Dad too! I know they are excited to have me come home! :) I am also in the process of becoming certified to be an aerobics instructor! It's really interesting! I love it! I want to take my test on May 10th, but I am still not sure if that is all going to work out......that is about it for me! I have a pretty boring life! I miss you all (even Justin and Sherrie, who I NEVER see). I really like our blog idea! Oh and I hope you like what I did with the layout, if not then we can try something else!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Family Blog Time

This is our first foray into blogging. It seems like a fun and relatively easy way for our family to keep in touch. We all know that Mom is getting older now and forgets to tell us things. For example, who knew that Jason and Jen were moving to EL PASO? And let's be honest, it's not really Mom's job to keep us all informed about EVERYTHING. So, please post to the blog and tell us what you're doing, as long as it's legal (Justin). I think it's important that we make more effort to stay better connected with each other. Let's give it a try and see how it works. Mom already said she would test it out, and I think with enough coaxing Dad will even give it a whirl.