Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I think I've figured out why Dad hasn't posted anything on the blog, it's kinda tough to use sometimes. I meant to leave a little post under the last title, but I goofed up. I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to Dad. I've tried to call him today at work and home, but I guess he's become a pathological call screener. I wasn't even going to tease him. All I wanted to say was we were thinking of you and we love you. He probably thought I was going to make some snide comment about how old he is, or he might have thought I was going to ask him some of those funny remember when questions like; Remember when you didn't have indoor plumbing, or remember when you used to walk to school barefooted in the snow, or remember your old buddy Muthusela, how is he doing? I really wasn't going to do anything like that. He hasn't realized that I have blossomed into a mature responsible adult. Oh well, I guess it's his loss. Anyways, Dad we do miss you and hope you had a great day. I don't know if you ever get on here and see what everyone has to say, but if you do, know that we love you and we couldn't have been blessed with a better father.


1 comment:

Heidi said...

Yeah, happy birthday dad. Like a good daughter, I have already talked to you today, but I thought I would add in my happy birthday again. Love ya!