Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Very Happy Birthday to ME!!!

As we are all aware, it was my birthday yesterday! Turning 20 will change your life, I mean I feel so much older, wiser, and mature..........HA YA RIGHT! Come on people like I am ever going to actually grow up! :) I just thought I would share some pictures of my great birthday weekend! With the help of Justin, my friends and I had a wonderful bonfire on Saturday night. It was so much fun, but sadly no pictures were taken to document the event. We did however have a wild and crazy Friday night with some masks......I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. I also have some pictures of the great cake my roomies bought for me! I also got to go out to dinner with Justin, Sherrie, Sheena, and her boyfriend Matt. It was way fun and SO YUMMY! And of course I got a lot of great presents! I guess I really am spoiled rotten! Anyway, love you all! Thanks for making it such a great birthday!

So creepy, yet so funny! We got these masks for a dollar at walmart! We went to everyones house that we could think of and scared them! It was a great adventure!

Aren't we a cute couple?? Ha ha best dollar I have ever spent!

So I realize that I look really stupid in this picture, but I was super excited about the cake!

The roomies minus one! RiKelle is in the middle and Kayla is on the right! They are way fun girls! We were misisng Kyleigh, she had to go to Sandy.....


Heather said...

You look ugly with a mustache. But the rest of the pics are super cute :) I hope you had a great birthday! Love ya!

Heidi said...

I actually think you look fine with a mustache...but you do look better without it. Anyway, glad your birthday was a good one.

Jennifer and Jason said...

That's pretty creepy, but what's worse is that I work with a lady that looks just like you with your mustache mask on. No I am really serious. I call her "Ol Shady" sometimes, she hasn't seemed to catch on though.

justin and sherrie said...

We know we're lame, but hope you had a good time at dinner anyway. If you would have come to dinner with that mask then you would have had to pick up the tab.

mom said...

Sounds like you had fun. Glad it was a good birthday even though your two favorite people couldn't be there with you.