Sunday, September 28, 2008

RS Broadcast

I think someone else should post on here besides me, but I wanted to say how much I enjoyed the RS broadcast last night. I particularly enjoyed President Utchdorf's talk. For those of you who weren't priviledged enough to attend, he spoke about two pursuits that can bring us closer to feeling the Lord's happiness: creation and compassion. It was a really great talk. I couldn't help but think about Mom during his talk. She has been such a great example of those things. She has always been involved in pursuits that create something beautiful, but mostly she has devoted untold time, worry, and work into her children. I'm so thankful for your example, Mom. You and Dad both have been great examples of compassion. You are always helping out someone, and I appreciate that we have the kind of parents who recognize when there's a need and do something about it. Thanks for all you do!


mom said...

That was so nice. I'm not sure how true it is, but it means so much -- one of those "thank-yous". I loved the broadcast, also. Pres. Utchdorf was awesome. I thought about all my "girls" scattered from Logan, Pheonix to El Paso. I kept thinking how blessed I was know that we were ALL hearing these inspiring words and sharing the blessings of the gospel. I am so grateful for the way each of you are trying to live your life. You inspire me to be better. I'm so thankful for each of you and so glad we're family!

Hi Lary said...

It's true mom! You are great! I am so blessed with a good family! I appreciate all of you so much more each day.......well maybe not justin. With him it's more like every ten years or so.....JK Justin I love you!

Heidi said...
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Heidi said...

I really enjoyed the broadcast as well. Not to sound like a complete echo, but it made me think of mom, too. I was so grateful that I have such a good example of the kind of person Elder Uchtdorf was talking about. It also made me feel like a have a long way to go!!!

Another thing I took from it was how lucky we are to have temples so close. I can't believe the story from sister Allred about how they drove 5 days one way to get to the Arizona temple. It made me feel horrible. Do you know how long it takes me to get to the Arizona temple? About 10 minutes, and I really take that for granted.

Anyway, love you mom. And all the rest of you, I guess...haha ;)