Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A "LEISURE" afternoon

Just thought I would make a post and tell you about our Friday afternoon. Dad decided he would get some wood for
Cal Eagar who lives in Snowflake. He is the good old guy that has the handicapped sons, he and dad have struck up quite a friendship. Cal can't breath real well and has some other health problems, so dad wanted to get him a trailer load of quakie. His pick-up is STILL in the shop, so we decided to take mine, and take along the old "Cibeque Queen". We headed up to Green's Peak, but before we left we noticed that we only had 1/4 of a tank of gas, but dad said "Oh, we'll be o.k." We found a place where there were many old quakie logs already on the ground. We tried to back the trailer up close, but we couldn't get the pick-up in 4-low. Dad started cutting "logs"! They were at least 6 feet long and were heavy. I tried to roll, push, WHATEVER I could do to get them close to the trailer. We started lifting them end over end, but some of them I couldn't even lift! I asked him if he could cut some of them shorter, so I could lift them, but he said we needed to hurry and that was a waste of time. I was not much help, I'm NOT much of a skidder, and pretty soon I was too tired to lift one more log. Dad just kept cutting and carrying logs to a pile. He decided it would take too much gas to pull the trailer home that afternoon. We left the trailer and piles of logs and headed for home with the gas light flashing. We started to coast after we passed the Greer turn-off. Miraculously, we made it to the gas station. Dad and Dennis went back the next morning to finish the job. I told him the next time he wanted a "skidder" he should call one of you boys, or call someone with a CAT. I guess I'm just a whimp. haha Oh, one more thing. You're dad broke down and got a cell phone today. Don't faint! HIS # is 551-1651, so add that to your phone list. Hope all is well with all of you. I will be seeing most of you soon - and hopefully "baby Hall" will be there when I arrive. Love you all! Mom


Hi Lary said...

Oh man sounds like quite the weekend! DAD HAS A CELL PHONE!? Oh my gosh I think I might faint. I know I should be more mature about this, but after all the times he told me how useless mine was, I can't help but gloat a little. Love ya Dad, but you are a hypocrite!

Heather said...

Well, now that I'm up off the floor I can type my comment. I can't believe he caved. But really, that was a good decision. Now he can call someone instead of hitching into town when he gets stuck/out of gas/broken down. Mom, I'm impressed that you helped with the logs. I was just sitting on my duff.

Jennifer and Jason said...

Mom he's a tyrant sometimes isn't he. It sounds like he took it a little easy on you though because you didn't mention any yelling or swearing. You just bring out the best in him while Justin and I... well I think you understand. By the way does dad even know how to operate a cell phone?

mom said...

He doesn't know how to operate his phone. Thankfully he has a booklet, and he plans on taking it to Chicago with him and hopefully figure things out. I have Uncle Brush's old phone, and no booklet, so I'm not to savy on how to operate my own phone. I'll have Heidi or Hil work on it this next week. By the way, what book are we reading for Christmas? I realize that we have over 2 months, but I don't like to wait until the last week like so many people I know. :} Let me know when you get a chnace. luv ya!

Heidi said...

Well, I haven't gotten around to checking this until today...dad with a cell phone?? The last days really must be here, and hell must be about frozen solid. Good job with the logs, mom...you are not a wimp! (whimp??)