Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Next Book

Sorry it's taken so long to post this, but since I was elected to pick the next book for Christmas I figured I better get it done. I have chosen "No Dinosaurs at Church" it is one of Tallin's favorites so I thought it would be something we could all learn from. Also for those of us who aren't studying in institutions of higher education, or molding young minds, I decided to pick something that wouldn't be to challenging. You can find the book online at Deseret Book, or probably anywhere else where Mormon paraphernalia is sold. Enjoy!


mom said...

Funny, Funny Jason.

Hi Lary said...

Now there is a book that I might actually read! Nice choice brother!

Heather said...

Jason, I don't think your brother will read anything not written by an apostle and/or prophet. But maybe Sam and I should get the dinosaur book and read it to the plethora of crying children in our ward.

Hi Lary said...

People leave him alone, I like this choice!

Heidi said...

I think it's a great idea. Why not choose a book that all of us can discuss, including Tallin?