Monday, April 7, 2008

Hey Family!

So, I just wanted to make a quick post about Conference. I wasn't going to, because I don't want to be all preachy, but there were so many times in Conference that I thought of how grateful I was for my family. The Saturday morning was my favorite, even though I loved them all! But several times throughout the Saturday morning session I thought of how blessed I am to have such an amazing family. Moving out has made me so much more thankful for you all. I think we all know what I mean! Being homesick makes you realize so many things that you took for granted.
So I basically just wanted to let you all know how grateful I am for every single one of you! Being the youngest is the greatest. I have 6 amazing examples to look up to and to help guide me in the decisions that I make. It really makes my life like 10 times easier! I loved in Elder Ballards talk about being young mothers. Not that I can really relate to the mother part.......but I loved when he said he wished he would have enjoyed the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less. I know that that is something I need to start doing.
That is pretty much all I wanted to say! Thanks for being such a great family! I never really realized how awesome we are......but we really are an amazing family! Yay for us! :) I love you guys and missed being able to watch conference with everyone at Granny's. Conference always reminds me of her.......anyway, I hope everyone is doing well! Love ya lots!


Heather said...

That's really nice Hil. But now the part where you said you were glad you were the youngest is written in stone :) There's no taking it back. It's funny that conference reminds you of Granny. I always think of her when I'm at the temple, and I wonder how much she knows about what we're doing. We certainly have some great examples from all our grandparents and a lot to live up to. I am also thankful to be part of our family, and I'm really glad that you're my sister! Our family certainly wouldn't have been complete without you. Love ya!

mom said...

I loved your post, Hil. It made me cry! I think of Granny, too. Her birthday is the 6th of October, so maybe baby Hall will be born on her birthday. Wouldn't that be awesome? I'm so glad to have all 7 bof my kids as examples. YOu are great!

Heidi said...

Hil I mean to comment on your post awhile ago. You are great, I love ya! And I love our family too. Everyone one in our fam is such a great example to me, and I am really grateful for that, too.