Wednesday, April 16, 2008

No News

Hello everyone. I get on here a few times a day, mainly because my classes are boring, I am unemployed, and my wife is pregnant. Sounds like the recipe for success right? I am not worried about boring you with the mundane details of my daily life, because that is basically the point of a blog right? to blog? Anyway, Sherrie is doing well, but won't go and buy herself any new clothes because, well who knows why. Her current wardrobe still fits, but she is having a hard time thinking that she isn't getting fat. Trust me, you can't even tell. But, I am trying to be supportive and tell her how hot she is, all to no avail. I've tried reverse-psychology and told her she's about to blot out the sun, which would account for the temperature fluctuations in Cache Valley, but that approach doesn't work either. What to do? What to do?
On a totally unrelated note, reading everyone's posts, especially Hilary and Heidi's, reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where Elaine breaks up with the perfect guy because of his careless use and disregard for the exclamation point!! I know you two are excited to communicate to your loving family, but seriously, think about it the next time you hit shift + 1. 
Well, I am almost done. With class that is, not my pointless rambling. I have been searching for jobs in Colorado and posting my resume online wherever I can. If any of you have any hook-ups or know of anything in CO then please let me know. I am getting a complex about having my wife knocked up and me being unemployed. I get to visit the great city of Laramie, WY next weekend for an Academic Quadrathalon. I am on a team of 4 and we won the district competition and are now going to the regional in Laramie. If we win that then we get to go to Nationals at the Houston Stock Show next year. The school pays for it all, even if we graduate and are gone next year. Pretty cool eh? Well, that's all for now. Have a lovely day. 


Hi Lary said...

Ok first off I don't use the exclamation point too much. I am just a very passionate person, and in order to portray that passion to my family, I choose to use the exclamation point, whose very purpose in life is to portray emotion. And secondly, I am sorry that you can't find a job in CO. Being unemployed really sucks! You'll find one...and Sherrie is already used to supporting you anyway, so it shouldn't be THAT big of a deal! Ha jk. But you will find something. Hey I want to come watch the Office tomorrow, and maybe we can reset my engine then? I'll give ya a ring.

Heather said...

I like the exclamation points, and I don't think we should start a grammar critique. Believe me, Justin, you don't want to get me started on your comma usage. Love ya!

the pseudo universe said...

So where in Col? Are you looking to go I suppose I could ask Jason but.. Anyways my Uncle lives there I know the state is huge but hey chance for hookups is good right? let me know. Tell Sherrie Hi!

Heidi said...

Justin, I am sorry that you have no emotion and that Sherrie has to live with you. Poor girl....

Cin said...

Thankyou for supplying me with a good laugh for today...your post was great! As you will notice I to use the exclamation point to express emotion and quite like it...must be in our jeans (hee hee). When you are in Laramie you should look up Britt and Leith..they would love to see some fam and I'll bet Britt would even feed you. Tell Sherrie Hi from us other kinfolk in the great state of WY!!! (Hope you can handle that many exclamation points all together.) Love ya, Aunt Cin

justin and sherrie said...

I'm glad I made so many people conscious about their exclamation points. It's been eating at me for some time now. I try to imagine how people would actually say each of their comments, and adding that much enthusiasm on each and every sentence requires too much energy. However I agree with everyone on the grammar critique, let's just leave it alone for now. I wouldn't trust your critiques anyway. I always thought that group critiques in any English class was a waste of time. I am usually surrounded by idiots. tchau tchau

Brittany said...

You are halarious. Who knew that exclamation points could cause such pain.

I am very excited that you are coming here to Laramie-we will definately get together.
Yay. (see that doesn't have the same affect without an !! after it)

Call me when you get here.

Heather said...

it should be "group critiques were a waste of time"

mom said...

Oh childeren!