Saturday, April 19, 2008

Suns game

So I don't know if any of you watched the game today. Almost everyone lives in Utah now so you are probably all Jazz fans now. If you are all not that stupid, I am sorry. But I just don't know what to expect, what with SOME of us ruining the good Hall name by being BYU fans. Anyway, on with my story...

If you didn't watch the game, you need to watch this series. This game went into double was so good. I was at work the whole time, and every time that the shot was made to tie the game I was taking an order, but it was still exciting. So pay attention to the Suns. I think this family needs to remember that we all come from Arizona.

PS I am really just trying to kill time. I am procrastinating doing a little homework, and the game is still fresh on my mind. Besides, wasn't it Justin who said that's the point of a blog. to blog.


Heather said...

Heidi, Let's talk about ruining the name. BYU is a church school at least. You went to Ute land. You, my dear, are the crazy one, but at least you came to your senses. Though I love the Suns, they missed many oppurtunities to win that game. I am disheartened. Why didn't they foul (at the end of regulation time and at the end of the first OT)? I hope they get it together.

justin and sherrie said...

Let's just not get into the whole church school thing. If you think it is so much more noble to go to a church school then go ahead and keep your head up. Just remember that "He that is compelled in all things is a SLOTHFUL and not a WISE servant, therefore he receiveth no reward." Do they omit that doctrine at the "Church School?" I still think of that whole establishment down south as a waste of tithing. Oh well.

Heather said...

How does that scripture relate to attending a church school? No one compelled anyone to go there. In fact, it's rather difficult to get in. Besides, the prophet doesn't consider it a waste of tithing, and I'll take his opinion over yours anyday.

Heidi said...

I think he is referring to the fact that at BYU they have to tell you when and where to do EVERYTHING. For example, don't you think that young adults of that age should KNOW what time to go home and go to bed, and not have to have a curfew? Compelled in all things. And that is only one example. Anyway, sorry mom. Good thing this is all in fun ;)

Heather said...

Well, I don't consider guidelines and standards forceful and compelling. Also, it's not a curfew so much as a guideline as to when visitors of the opposite gender should be leaving. I think we can agree that guidelines and rules are good! And just like everything and everywhere else, if you choose not to follow those standards there are consequences. I could see, though, how BYU is not a good place for "free spirit" types.

Hi Lary said...

I don't know I have to go with Heidi here. I know Jessy was super stressed about having to go to institute all the time and get an A in it and all that mumbo jumbo. Don't get me wrong, institute is great and everyone SHOULD go, but I think it took away from the spirit to have her be so worried about it. And I think it is also equally lame to have to take the class on the BoM....Call me crazy, but I think the whole point of the BoM is to be able to use it to answer our own personal questions, and strengthen our own personal testimony and to be another witness of Christ. So I think it's stupid that they have to memorize dates and names and wars and who killed who. But that is just me. I wouldn't have made it at BYU. I guess I am just too much of a "free spirit".
I love you Heather and Jas, but BYU is kinda lame.

justin and sherrie said...

How can the strict shaving regime and dress code be viewed as "guidelines?" The compelling classes, housing arrangements, what happened to the principle "Just teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves?" Heck, I wouldn't be allowed to use the bathroom in a girl's apartment, let alone see her wrists or ankles. It just doesn't seem like a suggestion or a guide, rather a chokehold or shackles. And the prophet thing, he didn't even go to the Y, so how can you bring him up? President Packer said that 4 of the 12 are aggies and the others just WISH they were. Heck, even the Great LaVell Edwards said, "Once an aggie, always an aggie." Nuff said.