Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thank Goodness It's Friday!

Well family, I am not purchasing a house, or changing jobs, or moving anywhere. The most exciting thing I have done today is kick a kid out of class for swearing and calling other kids really mean names. However, this is the first time in my long career of teaching that another student has thanked me for kicking a kid out. There is at least some justice in the world. The good news is that tomorrow is a Spring Holiday. Normally, we would have Good Friday off of school, but we can't call it Good Friday because that's religious, and so we have Spring Holiday. And even though it's not Good Friday tomorrow, we have to keep up appearances so no one will suspect that we get a religious day off of school. So I will be celebrating Spring tomorrow. Lest you all think teachers are lazy suckers who get too many days off, let me assure you I will be grading essays tomorrow. But if you want Spring Holidays too, you should all consider the teaching profession. Happy Spring Holiday!


Heather said...

I sent you all an invitation to view my pictures from Hawaii. It won't hurt my feelings if you don't really want to look at them, but I'm proud that after so long I figured out how to get them on here! There are a few on my own personal blog if you want to see them. It's:

Brittany said...

Heather Feather, I'm glad that you got "Spring Holiday" off! However, I am sorry that you have to grade essays.
Hope you have a great day(s) off!